Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Entrepreneurial Bug

I work for a software consulting company.  We make software for other people.  I'm particularly fond of making software for start-ups.  These customers are people who have interesting, creative solutions to human problems that can be solved with software.  Software product start-ups are perhaps one of the most popular start-ups in the US right now and often talked about among software developers as we work at helping them.

Each client I've worked with walked away with the product we built to for them to sell and I walked away with some interesting insight on what works and what doesn't for these entrepreneurs.  I've listened to the start-up buzz around the industry with little interest... until now.  Now I've caught the bug!  Driving home from work one day I realized that the software I had wanted to build for just me could be used by many more people if I generalized it a bit more.  So here I am... starting a little side business.

I don't know when (or if) I'll ever ship a product.  What I do know is that I have an itch to scratch, a registered LLC, and the help of my husband (a software developer) and a friend (a designer) to make it happen.   Now it's time to hit the streets.

Goal one: Validate my idea by finding 10 business that would buy my product if it existed.

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